Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I really like this quotation from Chapter 10:

"The problem with Christian belief...is that it is not a fashionable thing to believe."

Donald is right. We all want to be fashionable and cool deep down. This can create a lot of pressure for some of us Christians when challenged by "cool" non-Christians. It just isn't trendy to be a young Christian. But I really like the delineation that Donald draws between "Christianity" and "Jesus." We often get so caught up in the religous aspects of Christianity and its labels that we lose sight of the message. I like how Donald describes himself as a follower of Jesus rather than the loaded term "Christian." I especially love the confession booth that Donald and his friend set up. What a wonderful idea!

Although I found Chapter 12 a bit preachy, I can empathize with Donald's search for a church. It is important to find a place of worship that feels relevant and authentic. I have mentioned many times how I feel angry that Republications and conservatives have co-opted Jesus for their own agendas and political purposes. Although I am a Democrat, I don't see either side as being "Christian." As Donald pointed out, "what I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do." I don't believe religion has a place in politics.

I have always been uncomfortable with the modernization of the church today. I get squirmy when I see people wear jeans to church and carry their Starbucks into the sanctuary. I cringe when the rock band starts playing Christian music during the service and when I see "Jesus Jams" aimed at teens. Is it all really necessary? Part of me likes the fact that these trendy touches speak to some people and bring them into the church. At the same time, it feels overdone. I think the methods used by Donald's church are so much more to the point. We all know the church must change or die. But we need to be careful about what changes and incentives that we implement just to get people in the door.


Unknown said...

Malady and Gary,

So sorry to be MIA. I think I'm finally almost recovered from my cold--I've been reading mindless books and sleeping as much as I can. I hope to catch up with you both this weekend.

Amy M. said...

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! It seems like everyone is getting a cold and/or flu. Boo hoo! I have avoided it so far (knock on wood)! Feel better soon!


Gary said...

You're right on about Chapter 10. I'm uncomfortable talking openly about my spirituality (I have concluded that I am a Christian/Buddhist hybrid of some sort). And I always refer to that part of my life as "spirituality", which is about as inert as you can get. When I think of myself telling others that I'm a follower of Jesus, I cringe. It's so unfortunate - Jesus was the coolest guy who ever lived, hands down. That's the power of society.

I liked the confession booth, too. What a surprise to those who had Miller and his friend confess to them! I understood perfectly Don's conversation with Jake and how cleansing the experience must have felt.

I know what you mean about Chapter 12. The three steps to finding a church (right at the end of the chapter) had resonance with me, though. What a great thing it would be to find a church that genuinely speaks to you, with people you like and share your interests. I've never thought about church in that way. What a beautiful thing it would be to find that kind of community!

Purl, it's great to have you back! The flu is rough this year - I'm glad you're feeling better.