Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Night Reading

I've picked a new nighttime activity in recent months and I wanted to share it with you. Throughout my adult life I've never been able to read at bedtime because I always immediately fell asleep. But these days I have more trouble falling asleep, which is partly why I've been able to take up reading at that time of day (or night, as it would be).

I've found that the Bible is the perfect book to read just before bed. The chapters are very short and I can cover two or three of them in just a few pages. I like that aspect of the Bible because I can only last for a few pages before I get tired, but still feel like I'm accomplishing something.

But what really matters is the way the Bible makes me feel, especially as I end the day. Amy, your post today made me think a lot about what the Bible does for me. I use the original 1611 version of the King James Bible because its use of the English language is unlike anything I've ever encountered.

I didn't expect that reading the Bible would be such an experience. As I'm going along, I feel a kind of quiet wisdom emanate from the pages. It's as if the book takes on a persona and tries to communicate with me. It's the kind of communication I can only sense during times of focused attention and solitude.

All of this may sound strange, but I also like the size and weight of the book, how the pages feel, the look of the text, and even the way my book light shines on it. It is remarkable and was completely unexpected. It's very comforting, I have to say.

I'm rereading Ecclesiastes right now and will post about it when I'm finished. I would be interested to learn about any experiences you've had with reading the Bible.


Amy M. said...

I realize I never commented on this post!

I used to read the Bible every night before going to bed. I have one of those "one year" bibles where you read a passage from the Old Testament and a passage from the New Testament every day for a year. I'm not sure that is the best way to read the Bible. I find that I enjoy daily devotions or bible studies better. And I think maybe it might be better to START my day with the Bible rather than end that way. It's too easy to say "I'm too tired" otherwise. But I always find it enjoyable to read my Bible. I find new things all the time!

Gary said...

How interesting! I think that whatever way works best and gives you the most benefit is what you should do. Perhaps Purl will share her experiences with us...