Friday, June 1, 2007

The Atonement

Dear Malady,
I just finished reading the chapter called "The Perfect Penitent" in Mere Christianity. Lewis talks about some people's complaint that Jesus's sufferings and death aren't meaningful "because it must have been so easy for Him" (p. 58). Evidently, this complaint stems from the perception that Jesus somehow had an unfair advantage over His fellow human beings.

However, Lewis goes on to ask, "To what will you look for help if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself?" (p. 59) Though I'm still not sure if Jesus's death carries any particular meaning for me (because I am exploring), I certainly look to Him to help me with my troubles and ease my pain. I do so for the reason Lewis illustrates: that Jesus is stronger than me, that He can somehow relate to me as a human being, and that I am somehow 'right' with God; that He is my friend.

As a Christian, you surely see how the divine and the corporeal intersect. Is it important to you to show others who cannot see that intersection that the two are not exclusive? What does that intersection look like in your own life?


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